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Dutch clover Scientific Name Trifolium repens Family Legume or Pea Native No Weed Can be |
ladino clover Scientific Name Trifolium repens Family Legume or Pea Native No Weed Can be |
white clover Scientific Name Trifolium repens Family Legume or Pea Native No Weed Can be |
squaw apple Scientific Name Peraphyllum ramosissimum Family Rose Native No, Yes Weed Can be |
wild crab apple Scientific Name Peraphyllum ramosissimum Family Rose Native No, Yes Weed Can be |
wild crabapple Scientific Name Peraphyllum ramosissimum Family Rose Native No, Yes Weed Can be |
black bindweed Scientific Name Polygonum convolvulus Family Buckwheat Plant Type Forb Introduced Yes Native No Weed Yes |
climbing bindweed Scientific Name Polygonum convolvulus Family Buckwheat Plant Type Forb Introduced Yes Native No Weed Yes |
ivy bindweed Scientific Name Polygonum convolvulus Family Buckwheat Plant Type Forb Introduced Yes Native No Weed Yes |
knot bindweed Scientific Name Polygonum convolvulus Family Buckwheat Plant Type Forb Introduced Yes Native No Weed Yes |
Japanese knotweed Scientific Name Polygonum cuspidatum Family Buckwheat Plant Type Forb Native No Weed Yes |
butterfly bush Scientific Name Buddleja sp. Family Butterfly bush Plant Type Shrub Native No Weed Yes |
devil's beggarticks Scientific Name Bidens frondosa Family Composites, Sunflower Native No Weed Yes |
leafy beggarticks Scientific Name Bidens frondosa Family Composites, Sunflower Native No Weed Yes |
leafy sticktight Scientific Name Bidens frondosa Family Composites, Sunflower Native No Weed Yes |
marshelder Scientific Name Iva xanthifolia Family Composites, Sunflower Plant Type Forb Native No Weed Yes |
spotted knapweed Scientific Name Centaurea maculosa Family Composites, Sunflower Plant Type Forb Native No Weed Yes |
common rye Scientific Name Secale cereale Family Grass Plant Type Grass Introduced Yes Native No Weed Yes |
hairy crabgrass Scientific Name Digitaria sanguinalis Family Grass Plant Type Grass Introduced Yes Native No Weed Yes |
hare barley Scientific Name Hordeum leporinum Family Grass Plant Type Grass Introduced Yes Native No Weed Yes |
mouse barley Scientific Name Hordeum leporinum Family Grass Plant Type Grass Introduced Yes Native No Weed Yes |
wild barley Scientific Name Hordeum leporinum Family Grass Plant Type Grass Introduced Yes Native No Weed Yes |
black medic Scientific Name Medicago lupulina Family Legume or Pea Native No Weed Yes |
Russian Olive Scientific Name Elaeagnus angustifolia Family Oleaster Plant Type Tree Native No Weed Yes |
alfalfa Scientific Name Medicago sativa Family Legume or Pea Native No |